In an ever-changing technology world, your business IT needs change frequently too. Naturally, as your business grows, your IT capabilities and functions need to grow with it. That includes the technology solutions being delivered by a Managed IT provider. Read on to learn more about what you should be looking for in a Managed IT provider.

Estimated read time: 3 minutes

Business woman calculating fees for Managed IT for her business.

Managed IT and the Growth of Your Business

The words Managed IT can mean many different things. Because of that, the tasks that a Managed IT provider completes for you can vary from company to company and business to business. Every business has its own unique needs and the beauty of Managed IT is that it can grow with your business as it changes.

When you are looking for a Managed IT provider, there are several things you should consider. In a recent radio interview, Ryan Wineteer, Hamilton Information Systems New Business Development Manager talks about these aspects and what you should be looking for in a Managed IT provider. Take a listen to the interview below.

Watch time: 3 minutes, 29 seconds.

Managed IT Provider Checklist

As Ryan mentioned, there are many tasks and functions that a Managed IT provider can support. Here is our list of must-have solutions your Managed IT provider should support:

  • Remote and Onsite Support: IT issues can arise at any time and working with a Managed IT provider who can help you both remotely and onsite at your business is crucial. Because you never know how much and when the support needs will arise, the advantage to having a Managed IT provider is having unlimited support.
  • Guaranteed Response Time: While critical issues are less likely to occur with a proactive Managed IT provider, the response time of that provider is very critical should an issue occur.  You need the peace of mind knowing that the provider you are working with will be responsive to your business and spring into action when needed.
  • Hardware Monitoring Including Proactive and Preventative Management: As part of managing your businesses IT needs, making sure that your software and other systems are frequently updated is essential. Hamilton provides automatically-delivered updates so you don’t have to worry about making sure regular updates are being completed. This proactive maintenance means fewer disruptions and more time for you to focus on business growth.
  • Backup Services for Your Network and Files: It’s critically important to have a backup solution for your network and a place to store your files and important information should anything happen to your server. At Hamilton, we provide the use of our state-of-the-art offsite Data Center to all of our Managed IT clients. We follow the 3-2-1 rule. 3 copies of data, on 2 different medias, with 1 being off site.
  • Cybersecurity Protection Including Managed Threat Detection and Response: Cybersecurity preparedness is a topic all on its own and is a process that requires continuous focus. Because you are busy managing your business, you likely don’t have time to provide the education needed for your staff on phishing emails, update your software to combat the latest malware threats — not to mention, meeting government standards and requirements for cybersecurity process implementations. That is why it is important to work with a certified Managed IT provider that fully understands the vast array of cybersecurity protocols.
  • Education and Awareness to Protect Your Network: The human element is often the weakest component in a company’s security. As we mentioned above, proactive education is essential. Regular training, testing and educating your employees and staff on possible email phishing scams and potential malware and ransomware attacks should be one of your top priorities. A Managed IT provider should have established curriculum that evolves with the ever-changing cyberattack vectors.

When it comes to your business, supporting your staff, your network and your data is very important. At Hamilton, we offer a solution that makes for easy budgeting and allows for growth as your business changes over time. Our fixed-fee approach covers everything you need and simplifies the process so that you can focus on what you do best — growing your business.

To learn more about our Managed IT solutions and to speak with an expert member of our team, fill out the contact information below or give us a call at 308-381-1000.

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There’s a reason why businesses are focusing on Managed IT and Cybersecurity. Read more here and learn why now is the time to make sure you are protected  “Managed IT & Cybersecurity Go Hand In Hand — Interview”.

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