The world of cybersecurity is in an almost-constant state of change.
Last year’s data breaches often look different from the ones we are seeing today. As a result, the methods, and tools that businesses use to stay safe need to be continuously reviewed and updated.
It is natural for managers to find it difficult to stay up to date on all of the current cybersecurity trends and how to best keep their business safe — especially if you’re starting off with the wrong information.
Working with a local IT provider doesn’t just help you stay “in the know”, it’s a fast track to making sure the information you’re getting is accurate and backed by a wealth of first-hand knowledge and experience. Hamilton keeps your cybersecurity concerns our top priority. Because we believe your business deserves to be protected by the best.
So what are some commonly-accepted cybersecurity myths, and how does a local IT expert help you find the right information?
New Business Development Manager, Ryan Wineteer was recently featured on the Grand Island airwaves busting some cybersecurity myths. In this interview, he highlights what a cybersecurity partnership with Hamilton looks like – simple to navigate, budget-friendly and genuine.
Catch the whole interview here:

Our team works every day to keep businesses protected, connected, and available through custom-built technology solutions. We take the IT burden off your shoulders so you can focus on what’s important – growing your business.
If you have questions or want to learn more about building a partnership with Hamilton, contact us today!