Keeping up with technology is more than merely upgrading hardware to newer models or keeping software up to date. Knowing how to keep you and your employees safe in an ever-changing digital landscape is just as important as equipping them with the best tech solutions.

For hackers, social engineering is a commonly-used tool for attacking businesses.

What is social engineering?

Rather than relying on conventional hacking techniques, social engineering uses human interaction and psychological manipulation to obtain or compromise valuable information.

What does that mean for your business?

Knowing some of the forms of social engineering keeps you ahead of the curve and helps keep your employees and business safe. Learning how to identify some of the more popular hooks and implementing a company-wide “Social engineering response” protocol can go a long way to protecting your valuable business data. Here are some social engineering methods to keep an eye out for, as well as some easy ways you can combat them.

1. Phishing Emails

Phishing is one of the most common forms of social engineering found in the marketplace. An attacker creates an email that looks like it is from within the company or from someone you know. The intent: to convince users to click a link or provide private information. Verification is the best tool against these types of attacks, and it can be as simple as double-checking the email address for accuracy or hovering over links to make sure they link to where they claim.

To learn more about phishing emails and safeguards, see our related post here.

2. Phone Calls

Social Engineering can also be done over the phone. A hacker may call your business, posing as an I.T. employee or professional and ask you to navigate to a webpage in order for them to gain remote access to your computer  giving them direct access to your device and data. Other common social engineering questions include asking for user passwords, or requesting that they make a “necessary” update. If you are unsure of the caller’s identity and are not expecting the correspondence, be sure to contact your trusted IT employee or professional directly to confirm the call is legitimate.

3. Tailgating

Social Engineering can also take place face-to-face. Hackers may try to pose as an employee attempting to enter the building or follow you through secured entrances. Once inside, they are not likely to be stopped or questioned. To help prevent such occurrences, ensure employees are trained on all appropriate visitor access procedures before allowing guests to enter; refrain from holding doors open for employees you may not recognize; and, perhaps, require identification badges as an additional layer of secured access.

When it comes to your business’ security, knowledge can be a valuable weapon. Equipping your staff with the tools to both identify and better mitigate common social engineering threats is a great way to start strengthening your operation.

As a trusted provider of technology solutions, Hamilton is proud to offer diverse protection options that fit the unique needs of your business. From physical security to network reliability, Hamilton provides reliable solutions to keep your business safe, protected and efficient.

With over 120 years of experience in the telecommunications and technology-industry, Hamilton has the expertise and team to best serve your business. Our expert technicians are committed to equipping your business with the IT solutions and services you need.

If you have any questions about Social Engineering or are curious how Hamilton can help protect your business, contact us today.

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